Banner Engineering: Q45 Wireless Pressure Sensor – Easily Monitor Pressure Levels Throughout a Compressed Air System

March 20, 2025
Banner’s new Q45 Wireless Pressure Sensor helps ensure compressed air equipment and tools operate at the proper pressure levels, which reduces unnecessary energy consumption, maintains optimum performance, and detects abnormalities and potential issues before they cause lengthy unplanned downtime.
Reduce energy costs while maintaining efficiency, safety, and productivity by monitoring pressure throughout a facility’s compressed air system. Used with other similar wireless sensors as part of a condition monitoring system, this wireless pressure sensor helps provide a comprehensive understanding of your entire compressed air system.
The Q45 connects to a wireless gateway, such as Banner’s DXM1200-X2 IIoT Gateway, and can also connect to Cloud Data Services, as part of a compressed air monitoring system. This provides actionable information that informs maintenance, troubleshooting, and operational efficiency, helping deliver consistent compressed air to tools and machinery. The combined pressure sensor and wireless node inside the battery-powered Q45 allows easy installation and air pressure monitoring without running wire, cabling, and conduit.
An industry-standard stainless steel 1/4-inch NPT process connection simplifies installation nearly anywhere through the main distribution and downstream lines, allowing easy deployment of multiple sensors and delivering a complete picture of the system. The Q45 can be used in many different applications with its IP67-rated housing that resists challenging operational conditions. The Q45 is available in both 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz models, depending on the needs of the wireless gateway.