AX/KX: Built to Improve Efficiency & Designed for Industry 4.0.

June 9, 2020
Rittal recently announced the conversion from AE/EB/KL to the new AX/KX carbon steel enclosures. Their new product line features a faster assembly and component installation, greater flexibility and enhanced safety.
It’s taken more than 50 years, but a successor to the AE, the world’s first standard enclosure, has now arrived – the new AX!
The new AX enclosures provide you genuine advantages:
- – Time savings – thanks to process-optimized packaging concept
- – Less complexity – more functions with far fewer accessory parts
- – Digitization – optimum process support and end-to-end engineering data
It goes without saying that the AX/KX is available in all the same sizes. The AX/KX parts list translator is an easy-to-use tool for converting entire AE/EB/KL standard parts lists to the new enclosures. You can also use the Rittal configuration system to select the new products, add appropriate accessories and obtain a complete parts list and 3D drawings.
Rittal’s Product Lifecycle Policy will ensure the full availability of the AE/EB/KL enclosures during the changeover period and the availability of spare parts for your existing systems after the switch. We would appreciate your support during the changeover period so we can plan the conversion efficiently with regard to the procedural outlay that comes with providing two enclosure systems.
We hereby inform you that Rittal North America will switch all carbon steel AE/EB/KL enclosures to non-stocked on July 1st, 2020. The AE/EB/KL enclosures are planned to be phased out by December 1, 2020. From this date, the availability and prices of these enclosures may change. We have chosen this date due to the current level of activity on the market and have therefore planned in a longer phase-out period than stipulated in our Product Lifecycle Policy. We hope this will ease the transition process in your company.
These tools and further information about the AX enclosures system can be found online. If you have any questions about the switchover, please get in touch with your technical advisor. Should you have any technical questions about the products, our technical support team will be happy to help.