Rockwell Automation: Micro800 Controllers and Automation Software Enhancements Streamline Machine Design, Development and Deployment
December 15, 2023
Manufacturers can commission standalone machines more efficiently with Allen‑Bradley Micro820 controller firmware revision 14, and Micro850 2080-L50E and Micro870 2080-L70E controller firmware revision 22.
The latest Connected Components Workbench software version 22 is the required minimum to support the expanded controller capabilities and improvements.
These controllers now offer improved Ethernet communication from controller to human machine interface (HMI) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) applications that enable faster data refresh rate for better system connectivity and performance. The improvement in the Class 1 implicit messaging connection check on EtherNet/IP devices during RUN mode allows users to have better notification of a possible connection drop to important devices.
The new Programmable Controller Communication Commands (PCCC) functionality in Micro870 2080-L70E controllers enables users to use the controller to communicate like a MicroLogix controller. With the MicroLogix legacy address mapping and PCCC instruction set supported in Connected Components Workbench software version 22, users can benefit from reduced conversion risk and retain legacy communication methods when modernizing a MicroLogix to a Micro800 controller.
Complementing the controller enhancements, Connected Components Workbench software version 22 release delivers new capabilities to help speed up project development and system configurations. The bit level commenting and daylight saving functionalities foster process efficiency to create a smoother, more intuitive design experience.
The latest controller and software enhancements prioritize user experience, driving efficiency and flexibility in automation development. Manufacturers can streamline their work processes and optimize productivity to meet the evolving needs and challenges of the Micro controller landscape.