Elesa launches SUPER-Technopolymer Hinges for Mounting on Glass or Panels

July 14, 2021
Elesa has long been market leader also in the use of reinforced technopolymer or SUPER-Technopolymer, for robust industrial applications and sectors where the request of metal substitution is high demand to the advantage of lightness, or where the corrosion resistance is a necessary requirement.
SUPER-Technopolymers represent the most recent and advanced development in engineering of polymeric materials. Thanks to the presence of high percentages of glass fibre linked to the base polymer with suitable primers and / or the presence of aramid synthetic fibre, SUPER-Technopolymers are characterized by mechanical and thermal properties far superior to the traditional polymers.
Compenents made from in SUPER-Technoplymer are able to guarantee the following advantages: high mechanical performance, corrosion resistance, lightness, nonmagnetic, low coefficient of friction, maintenance free, thermal insulation, coloured material throughout.
Elesa has recently launced the CFM-TR and CFM-TR-G for mounting on enclosures and panels. Made from glass-fibre reinforced polyamide, the new CFM-TR hinge ensures a stable mount wih significant mechanical resistance.
The CFM-TR-G hinges are characterized by a single pass-through hole on the panel side, which allows installation by minimizing drilling and the risk of creeping the glass. The step washer, used to separate the stainless steel flat washer from the glass, is produced from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) compliant raw material for use in food & beverage applications. On the back of the hinge, a matching part is used to separate the screw from the glass.