B&R Automation: Intelligent Lifecycle Management for Maximum Security

April 20, 2020
B&R has updated its lifecycle management strategy for the APROL industrial control system. In addition to the usual main releases and security patches, B&R will now also provide monthly operating system updates. APROL is now better prepared than ever for the implementation of modern cybersecurity strategies.
B&R publishes a new APROL build version once per year. Each of these versions is kept current with monthly operating system updates for a period of 14 months. After that, there are four more updates: one every six months.
To maintain stability, B&R conducts intensive testing on updates for the Suse Linux Enterprise Server operating system with the APROL system software before they are made available for downloading. APROL itself is maintained using patches. The interval at which this occurs depends on the severity of the bugs to be fixed.