EPLAN Electric P8: Power for Electrical Project Management and Engineering

April 20, 2020
EPLAN Electric P8 offers unlimited possibilities for project planning, documentation, and management of automation projects. The automatic production of detailed reports based on wiring diagrams is an integral part of a comprehensive documentation system and provides subsequent phases of the project, such as production, assembly, commissioning and service with the data required. Engineering data from other project areas can be exchanged via interfaces with the CAE software, thus guaranteeing consistency and integration throughout the entire product development process.
You determine the method of operation
Each planning procedure has its advantages in certain project phases – be it generating initial graphical machinery/plant overviews, creating schematics or recording project information in the database independently of the graphics. The ideal situation is for an engineering system to support these different planning approaches with equal priority. You decide which method of operation is the most efficient for you, and EPLAN provides continuous consistency in the project data, regardless of your method of operation.
Project documentation – quantity and quality
With comprehensive and individually configurable check runs, you determine how strictly EPLAN monitors the quality level of your documentation. In this way, the downstream stages of the process are provided with all of the required information from the engineering itself – continuous product creation through to manufacturing, installation, commissioning, servicing and maintenance.
Concentrating on essentials
You concentrate on your engineering work, and EPLAN looks after the consistent management of project data. This enables you to quickly create high-quality machinery and plant documentation.
Variant engineering – innovative, powerful and impressive
Recycling and standardisation are the keywords for saving time over the long term. Schematic macros for easy production of standardised partial circuits speed up your engineering process. EPLAN Electric P8 consistently goes a step further: partial circuits (macros) can contain graphical variants, different types of display and predefined value tables.
Internationally standardised and continuously localised
EPLAN Electric P8 supports global standards such as IEC, NFPA, the Russian GOST standard and the Chinese GB standard with appropriate master data and sample projects. The optional standard conversion ensures that you remain competitive as globalisation increases. Thanks to continuous Unicode capability, EPLAN Electric P8 provides schematics in any language on the basis of your individual translation databases – from Chinese circuit diagrams to Russian part lists, everything is translated online or as soon as the plant is complete.
Added value at a glance
The combination of standard functions and optional extensions in EPLAN Electric P8 allows you to optimise your entire planning process and increase the quality of your automation documentation in the long term.
- – Graphical and device-oriented planning
- – Automatic and individual DT allocation and connection numbering
- – Automatic creation of cross references between
- – Interruption points, contacts, symbols and components, PLC’s
- – Single line, multi-line display and mounting layout
- – Different subsystems (E-technology, fluid power and I&C)
- – Auto connecting and Smart connecting
- – Macro variants, value sets and project-wide option technology
- – Automated processing using scripts
- – Integrated IEC, NFPA, GOST and GB symbol library
- – Quick and easy navigation with “go to” and search function
- – Mass editing of project data in Excel
- – Undo and redo function
- – Checking procedures for signalling logical planning errors
- – Quick information and context-sensitive help
- – Adaptable layer management for selective display of project data
- – Navigators for rapid project data locating and direct processing
- – Automatic addressing of PLC components (I/Os)
- – Integrated part management with configuration of the part structure and SQL access
- – Unicode capability for project creation and translation in any language
- – Project, version and rights management
The functions and options always relate to the maximum configuration of the product.