CED Nebraska Announcement
May 15, 2023
Recently, EPLAN USA was pleased to announce that CED Nebraska has joined the EPLAN USA Channel initiative.
This program expands CED’s solution offering to now include EPLAN. Together, they will provide cohesive solutions across Nebraska and Iowa.
“CED Nebraska has a long reputation of serving customers well with both hardware and value-added services. Since CED is innovative and caring by nature, they were a perfect fit for the EPLAN Channel initiative and have already gotten off to a great start,” says Eli Jenkins.
“At CED Nebraska, we are delighted to collaborate with EPLAN, enabling our clients to elevate their design capabilities to a whole new level! We are excited to introduce an industry leader in panel design to our clients in Iowa and Nebraska, and to further assist them in leveraging technology to drive innovation and solve complex business challenges”, says Steve Wimer, Manager at CED.