Omron Provides College Students With Free Access to the Sysmac Studio Automation Platform

December 21, 2020

Today’s college students now have a unique opportunity to broaden their skills and build real-world automation knowledge with access to Sysmac Studio, a fully integrated development environment for machine automation from automation solutions provider Omron Automation Americas. The automation platform combines configuration, programming, simulation and monitoring in a simple interface and is used by professionals across the globe to design next-generation control systems incorporating PLCsmotionremote I/Osafetyrobotics and vision products.

Omron has chosen to provide this resource free of charge to the world’s future designers as they embark upon their path to a career in industrial automation. Students at technical colleges and universities are qualified to receive six months of free access to Sysmac Studio for the purpose of developing programming expertise in both ladder logic and structured text. In addition, the software’s professional-grade simulation capabilities can help remote-learning students physically connect to hardware in a lab or simulate their work from wherever they’re based.

The offer includes the following:

  •    –   Access to the programming tools for automation technologies such as PLCs, motion, HMIs, robots and more
  •    –   Hardware support to connect with Omron’s NJ/NX series of machine automation controllers for labs and other equipment
  •    –   Easy yet powerful simulation on any PC for visualizing and learning without any physical hardware

Taking advantage of this opportunity is quite easy.

First, any student interested in using Sysmac Studio should complete the form on this page with the requisite information and a valid student email with school domain.

After submitting the form, the student will receive an email containing a link with directions to download Sysmac Studio.

At this point, the student can easily install the software and leverage learning resources on YouTube, including Omron’s YouTube channel found here, or through a school’s structured program.

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