How Integrated Enclosure Cooling Can Help Manufacturers Save Time and Money

September 30, 2024
Energy costs can be a major expenditure for manufacturers, particularly in terms of creating targeted, powerful cooling outputs to optimize industrial enclosure performance. Enclosure cooling units that leverage Industry 4.0 and IIoT design principles digitalize cooling frameworks for more efficient use of energy, and this can play a large role in reducing energy usage and costs.
Integrated cooling is another way manufacturers can save time and money on enclosure cooling, and this approach to enclosure climate control is quickly becoming the norm, especially as integrated cooling also helps manufacturers save time and manpower.
This article will look at what manufacturers need to know about integrated cooling systems, and how this approach to enclosure climate control can help save time and money.
Integrated enclosure cooling simplifies and streamlines the manufacturing process
Integrated cooling units help manufacturers simplify their enclosure cooling infrastructure in a couple of key ways. First, integrated cooling helps reduce the number and scale of enclosure cooling units and accessories designers need to specify in order to ensure enclosures operate at peak performance. This helps simplify a manufacturer’s bill-of-materials (BOM) and streamlines the process of assembling and installing equipment on the factory floor.
In addition, integrated cooling leverages high-performance fans that are quick and easy to service or clean. This approach to enclosure cooling not only helps increase application or deployment flexibility, it also makes maintenance and troubleshooting faster and easier by reducing the number of components required for enclosure cooling.
Rittal’s new NEMA 3R Vented Drive Box features an easy-to-access, top-mounted design to help accelerate routine maintenance and filter washing. These health checks can be conducted without the need for specialized tooling to minimize downtime or gaps in production.
A simplified design and streamlined assembly and installation process can help manufacturers navigate labor shortages and reduce the amount of time, resources, and workers necessary to ensure consistent, reliable production. This helps companies save time and money, and it also creates avenues for business growth and increased revenue.
Integrated enclosure cooling creates more targeted, effective enclosure climate control
Integrated enclosure cooling leverages high-performance fans that provide targeted airflow to dissipate heat and transfer excess thermal loads outside the enclosure. Not only does this help increase cooling efficiency, it also helps manufacturers reduce energy consumption and cooling costs. The result is more consistent, reliable production with fewer instances of unplanned downtime and reduced maintenance intervals.
For example, Rittal’s fan and filter cooling units help ensure optimal thermal management to prevent overheating and maintain efficient operation. What’s more, these top-mounted fan and filter units allow for easy access to streamline maintenance tasks.
The simplified nature of integrated enclosure cooling also makes it faster and easy to control or modify cooling outputs in real time based on production demands. One of the top priorities for manufacturers in 2024 and beyond is the ability to reduce waste, and a more user-friendly approach to enclosure cooling can help companies make smarter energy consumption decisions.
Rittal’s new NEMA 3R Vented Drive Box provides integrated cooling with an adjustable thermostat that comes standard with the enclosure for more precise cooling outputs and energy usage. In addition, the variable configurations of the NEMA 3R Drive Box means manufacturers can harness the power and cost-saving measures of integrated enclosure cooling in a wide range of applications, from uncontrolled indoor deployments to extreme outdoor sites.
The NEMA 3R Vented Drive Box also offers superior corrosion resistance, complete with a 3-phase surface finish and silicone gasket to prevent contamination and extend the lifespan of your equipment.
Rittal claims it’s NEMA 3R enclosure is just the beginning of it’s innovative approach to integrated enclosure cooling. Rittal’s industrial enclosure solutions are designed to simplify creating an industrial automation infrastructure that helps manufacturers optimize efficiency and performance.