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Understanding Ground Fault Protection: Importance and Implementation

Understanding Ground Fault Protection: Importance and Implementation

Ground fault protection is a critical aspect of electrical safety in both residential and commercial settings. Understanding what ground fault protection is, why it is important, and how it is implemented can help prevent electrical hazards and ensure the safety of individuals and property. In this blog, we will delve into the significance of ground fault protection and explore the various methods of implementation.

Become a More Sustainable Industrial Organization

Become a More Sustainable Industrial Organization

If you’re looking for ways to become a more sustainable industrial organization this year, 98% of manufacturers are thinking the same thing. They are working towards implementing sustainability systems and solutions in their own organizations. As you work towards becoming a more sustainable industrial organization, you’re probably preparing for new mandates that regulatory bodies will require. Additionally, you’re preparing for different corporate targets for sustainability performance and profitability.

What Makes the New Stainless Steel AX and KX Ideal Wall Mount Enclosures for Harsh Environments
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What Makes the New Stainless Steel AX and KX Ideal Wall Mount Enclosures for Harsh Environments

Traditionally, wall mount industrial enclosures have been known more for their flexibility and capacity to help reduce a manufacturer’s automation footprint. While Rittal’s line of AX KX enclosures already demonstrate a high level of durability, the new AX KX stainless steel (SS) enclosure is designed specifically to prioritize industry-leading strength, protection, and reliability to help manufacturers increase productivity and reduce downtime. 

Eplan Platform 2024: Why It’s Worth Switching to the New Version

Eplan Platform 2024: Why It’s Worth Switching to the New Version

With the highlights of the new Eplan Platform 2024, Eplan continues to make engineering and circuit diagram creation as efficient and convenient as possible for users. The company takes a look at the most important innovations, where exactly they are in the software and how users can use the optimizations for themselves. In this article, let’s take a closer look at what makes the new version (even) better than its predecessors from the user’s point of view and why a version change is worthwhile.

Food & Beverage Manufacturing

Food & Beverage Manufacturing at Scale with MES

External pressures and internal challenges continue to mount for food and beverage and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) companies. Keeping up with evolving and increasingly stringent food health and safety regulations can be complicated. Regulations such as CFR 21 Part 11, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) changes and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act all have increasing requirements on electronic record keeping of quality and traceability records in manufacturing.

The Digital Substation: Thinking “Outside the Box” Could Play a Crucial Role in the Future of Substation Automation

The Digital Substation: Thinking “Outside the Box” Could Play a Crucial Role in the Future of Substation Automation

The future of power system substations may be redefined by the application of virtualization. At least that is what an increasing number of utilities are envisioning as they explore the opportunity for increased virtualization in substation design. In this future, there would be a significant reduction in the hardware used in substations. Instead, tasks will be carried out on cloud servers, marking a noticeable shift from the current reliance on extensive racks of hardware. The appeal for utilities is the significant cost reduction for substation design and engineering, reduced usage of copper wiring, and the ability to easily replicate substation designs for future expansions.

How Does an Enclosure Plinth Work and Why Are They Important?

How Does an Enclosure Plinth Work and Why Are They Important?

One challenge that manufacturers face with servicing or customizing the wiring and cable configurations of their industrial enclosures is the ability to quickly access the wire systems that require attention. While a more modular approach to industrial enclosure design and configuration can simplify this process, an enclosure plinth makes access faster and easier, and it can also increase the cable and wiring capacity of standard industrial enclosures. Increased cable flexibility is not the only benefit an enclosure plinth provides. In fact, plinths can help manufacturers increase productivity and reduce downtime in a number of key ways.

Arc Flash Reduction: Defending Against Electrical Hazards

Arc Flash Reduction: Defending Against Electrical Hazards

What is Arch Flash Reduction? According to NEC Article 240.87, arc energy reduction is required for circuit breakers applications of ratings 1200A and above. The requirement from the code includes proof of documentation to show the location, system, and a means of reducing the clearing time of the arc flash. Arc flash reduction as stipulated by NEC is a set of safety measures designed to minimize the risk of electrical accidents caused by arc flashes. But hold on, what’s an arc flash? Well, an arc flash is a sudden release of energy through the air, resulting from an electrical short circuit through air otherwise known as Arc Faults.

3 Ways Blue e+ Simplifies Climate Control
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3 Ways the Blue e+ Filter Fan Simplifies Industrial Enclosure Climate Control

Simplified industrial enclosure cooling systems are rapidly rising up the ranks of priority for manufacturers as production environments continue to become more varied or diverse. While industrial filter fan cooling units can help manufacturers cut through the complexity of modern manufacturing via more streamlined, simplified design and operation, manufacturers still don’t fully realize the capacity of filter fan units to provide targeted cooling outputs that can keep pace with the speed and around-the-clock nature of today’s manufacturing landscape. However, Rittal’s new Blue e+ Filter Fan EC industrial cooling unit combines powerful, strategic cooling capabilities with the ability to both optimize productivity, reduce cooling costs, and decrease the chance of unplanned downtime.

Upgrading Legacy Automation: Implications, Challenges, and Best Practices

Upgrading Legacy Automation: Implications, Challenges, and Best Practices

On today’s factory floor, upgrading legacy automation equipment is often a taboo subject. “Why fix what isn’t broken?” “Why fix it until it is broken?” “Why borrow trouble?” There are many quick rebuttals to team members who have faced a close call on the production floor around legacy equipment. Legacy automation, characterized by technology in the later stages of its useful life, and where useful life is defined by receiving a disproportionately large amount of utility compared to the resources consumed, can limit efficiency, increase downtime, and jeopardize long-term factory vitality.

How the New AX Ex Industrial Enclosure Can Help Enhance Safe Manufacturing Practices
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How the New AX Ex Industrial Enclosure Can Help Enhance Safe Manufacturing Practices

As modern manufacturing becomes more variable and automation footprints become larger and more complex, the risk of industrial accidents increases, especially in the form of fires and explosions. While there are certainly precautions and processes manufacturers can implement to combat this risk and ensure safe manufacturing processes, today’s manufacturers need industrial enclosure solutions that are approved for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

How Choosing the Right Industrial Enclosure Can Mean Big Things for Material Handlers

How Choosing the Right Industrial Enclosure Can Mean Big Things for Material Handlers

The rapid growth in e-commerce and a continued skilled labor shortage are two of the hottest topics for today’s material handlers, particularly when it comes to maximizing growth opportunities and securing a larger market share in the material handling space. The sheer volume of parcels in the pipeline means material handlers need smarter, more powerful conveyor and sorting systems, and, as a result, this means identifying more versatile industrial enclosures that offer a wider range of panel and cable configurations.

Centralized Protection and Control Brings Scalability and Flexibility in Digital Substations

Centralized Protection and Control Brings Scalability and Flexibility in Digital Substations

ABB showcased its first virtualized protection and control solution with Smart Substation Control and Protection SSC600 SW at DISTRIBUTECH International, an annual transmission and distribution event. DISTRIBUTECH took place in Orlando, Florida on February 26-29. SSC600 SW allows utility customers to use the hardware of their choice and gain access to the same proven protection and control functionality as with ABB’s turnkey solution.

Introduction Industrial Control Panel Design And Energy Efficiency – Part 1

Introduction Industrial Control Panel Design And Energy Efficiency – Part 1

Industrial control panels stand as the backbone of modern manufacturing and operational processes, serving as the nerve center that orchestrates complex systems with precision and reliability. Across diverse industries ranging from automotive manufacturing to power generation, these panels play a pivotal role in ensuring seamless operations and optimal performance.