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Avoid Costly, Last-Minute Surprises With Virtual Commissioning

It’s that moment you dread: You’re doing controls testing on a new machine as a customer’s start-up date approaches, when you discover a problem. The issue could be almost anything. It could be a functionality problem, like an unexpected stoppage or a missing sensor. Or it could be a last-minute customer concern, like the HMI’s sequence or layout.




Application Notes: Power Off VFD Function

Application Notes: Power Off VFD Function

If the main power is lost to a VFD while the motor is under load, the DC bus of the VFD drops at an accelerated rate compared to no load conditions.  When the DC bus reaches a low level, the VFD would shut down, disabling the output modulation and releasing the motor to coast to a stop.  The motor coasting to a stop under the loss of main input power may not be of concern for many VFD applications.




Thermoelectric Cooling  for Outdoor Kiosks

Thermoelectric Cooling for Outdoor Kiosks

Outdoor kiosks have grown in popularity in a wide variety of applications and sectors, including banking, entertainment, retail, showrooms, industrial and education. You see kiosks everywhere, from banks and airports, to theme parks and train stations. Often located outdoors, kiosks and the sensitive electronics they contain are subjected to extreme temperatures, from the cold of winter to the heat of summer. Ambient temperatures can exceed 40°C or below 10°C. Heat loads for the electronics themselves can range from 20 to more than 200 Watts. These extreme temperatures and heat loads can often exceed the operating temperature limits of the sensitive electronics inside, which in turn can affect their functionality and lifespan.

The Safety of Electrical Installations in the Times of COVID-19

The Safety of Electrical Installations in the Times of COVID-19

During these weeks, with the COVID-19 outbreaks, it has been possible to observe how certain facilities (not only hospitals but also hotels, sports centers, libraries …) had to adapt to the emergency state by changing their original design, operation and action protocols, and structural, mechanical, pneumatic and electrical systems. In this following article, we will  focus on these three last topics.




The Factory of the Future, Today: How IoT-Enabled Climate Control Makes Plants Smarter

The Factory of the Future, Today: How IoT-Enabled Climate Control Makes Plants Smarter

Automation is a target that many in the industrial sector are chasing. However, converting existing facilities into smart facilities can be a costly and time-consuming undertaking. For a company to implement smart manufacturing, its machinery and equipment must be able to communicate with each other and across a network.




Why Your Facility Needs a Climate Inspection Today

Why Your Facility Needs a Climate Inspection Today

Climate control is critical to automated systemsExcessive heat and fluctuating temperatures can ruin electronics, impairing their operations and lowering the service life of electrical equipment. Even just a 510degree increase in the operating temperature of a device over an extended period of time can affect its speed and reliability, with solidstate devices starting to break down and fail at temperatures exceeding 120°F.




3 Keys to Choosing the Best IT Enclosure Server Cabinet

3 Keys to Choosing the Best IT Enclosure Server Cabinet

Beyond the basic considerations that are part of an end user’s enclosure selection process for their IT deployment – such as dimensions, weight, and color/finish – are important factors that contribute to the enclosure’s long-term value and performance. If you’re in the market for IT enclosures and want to be confident that you’re choosing the best for your needs – today’s and those you’ll have in the future – you need to first evaluate a manufacturers’ ability to demonstrate their expertise in these areas:




How to Avoid Data Center Downtime: IT Enclosure Cooling Plays a Big Role

How to Avoid Data Center Downtime: IT Enclosure Cooling Plays a Big Role

Ask any data center facility manager what keeps them up at night, and the answer is usually the same: fear of downtime. That’s because with each minute of data center downtime, the risk of serious loss increases. Around a third of all reported outages cost more than $250,000, with many exceeding $1 million. The good news? An Uptime Institute report shows that most IT service disruptions are preventable, with 80% of respondents admitting that their most recent outage could have been avoided.




We Are Rittal! With Diane Rudolph, Director of Material Services

We Are Rittal! With Diane Rudolph, Director of Material Services

In recognition of Women’s History Month, Rittal recognizes their women in manufacturing. The following is their first installment of Rittal’s “We are Rittal!” mini-series, based off their We are #RittalStrong, #RittalResilient, #RittalWomen campaign. Diane Rudolph joined Rittal 22 years ago as a Safety & Environmental Engineer. In her time she has held various roles within the organization; her current role is Director of Material Services.




Data Center Cooling Trends: Room, Row and Rack Cooling

Data Center Cooling Trends: Room, Row and Rack Cooling

Data centers are some of the most energy-intensive of all building types, gobbling up 10 to 50 times the energy per floor space of the typical commercial office building, according to energy.gov. Combined, data centers represent approximately 2% of total U.S. electricity use. Much of that 2% is dedicated to keeping servers from overheating.




5G at Rittal: The New Mobile Communications Standard Finds Its Way Into Manufacturing

5G at Rittal: The New Mobile Communications Standard Finds Its Way Into Manufacturing

Rittal is one of the first industrial players to receive a 5G frequency allocation. Before the end of the year, a private 5G mobile communications network will be installed in the new Haiger plant. The first pilot projects, for example in production monitoring and analysis, have already been defined.




CASE STUDY: Cooling Solution for High-Density Edge Server Racks

CASE STUDY: Cooling Solution for High-Density Edge Server Racks

There are relatively simple server enclosure cooling needs…and then there’s the challenge posed by Arizona State University’s (ASU) Compact X-ray Free Electron Laser (CXFEL). For the best cooling solution to control the climate around the world’s first CXFEL’s high-density servers, ASU chose to partner with Rittal.




How To Build a Motor Starter in Accordance With UL 508A

How To Build a Motor Starter in Accordance With UL 508A

UL 508A allows control panel builders to apply a UL label to their finished assemblies without having to run those assemblies through specific UL testing. As long as they adhere to the standard’s requirements, builders can put the UL label on the finished product and save money by not having to send it to UL for testing. According to UL, the UL 508A standard applies to industrial control panels intended for general industrial use that operate from a voltage of 1000 volts or less.




Rittal’s Flexible, Modular System Helps Tri Tech Automation Overcome Challenges in Biofuel Application

Rittal’s Flexible, Modular System Helps Tri Tech Automation Overcome Challenges in Biofuel Application

Tri Tech Automation, an automation partner with nearly 75 years of experience serving the engineering needs of American manufacturers, utilized a Rittal modular solution to overcome challenges with a motor control center application for a customer in the biofuels industry.




Upgrading a Manufacturing Plant to Meet Production Demands

Upgrading a Manufacturing Plant to Meet Production Demands

Panduit IIoT ecosystem helps noosa yoghurt speed production at maximum efficiency while increasing network reliability and productivity. At the recommendation of Malisko Engineering, Inc., a Panduit ONESM Gold Partner, noosa yoghurt consulted with Panduit Advisory Services to design the complete physical layer of its new industrial network.