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Four Easy Methods to Improve Your Electrical Safety Program
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Four Easy Methods to Improve Your Electrical Safety Program

Whether you are new to an Electrical Safety Program program or a seasoned veteran, the times change along with innovation and ingenuity. Here are four easy methods to ensure you are maintaining or participating in a high-performance Electrical Safety Program.


How Omron’s “Three I’s of Automation” Create a Roadmap for the Factory of the Future

What will the factory of the future look like? This is the question that many professionals in the automation and manufacturing industries are seeking to answer. While most proposed descriptions are lofty yet lacking in concrete details, there are also many attempts to extrapolate from cutting-edge technologies that already exist. What needs to be done is to connect the grandiose vision with the minutiae, and its sweeping (and yet unrealized) capabilities with today’s real-world applications that sit right on the boundary between practical and experimental.




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5 Priorities Trending in Manufacturing Today

The test of global change has exposed the brittle nature of systems, processes, and supply chain solutions that had historically measured as “good enough.” A recent global survey of 321 manufacturers has shed light on the biggest industry obstacles and punctuated the need for agility, technology adoption, and improved processes to respond to market adversity. The results of this survey make up the 7th Annual State of Smart Manufacturing Report – the most robust edition yet.





How Edge-Based and Cloud-Based Solutions Complement One Another

For manufacturers looking to get started with the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), a common question that comes up is whether they should use the edge or the cloud for data analysis purposes. However, this doesn’t have to be an either-or choice. In fact, both strategies are optimized to fit different needs and can work well together. Some manufacturers don’t want their data going into the cloud for proprietary reasons.





An Introduction to Functional Safety Systems

In this latest installment of Allied’s Ask the Expert Series, Noah Greene, a product marketing specialist at Phoenix Contact, provides an introduction to functional safety systems. He addresses how functional safety differs from safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF), introduces the three core components of functional safety systems, shares three key characteristics of effective functional safety systems and introduces Phoenix Contact’s PSRmodular configurable safety system.




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Speed, Simplicity & Expertise: AlliedElec.com Upgrades Improve the Customer Experience

Industrial automation companies and other electronics manufacturers face numerous challenges, including materials shortages, supply chain disruptions, increased competition for skilled laborers, data acquisition and processing demands and cost, safety and productivity concerns. As such, Allied Electronics & Automation is committed to making their customers’ lives easier by providing a one-stop shop for industrial automation and control products, electronic components and electromechanical products.





What To Look For In Electrical Panel Manufacturers In 2022

The open market is a beautiful thing for both buyers and sellers. It allows craftsmen to leverage their particular expertise to start a business, and potential customers the freedom to choose which business they think is worth their patronage. The reasons for choosing a vendor can vary. Sometimes customers base it on how clever the advertising is or whether or not they like the proprietor. And there’s nothing wrong with choosing based on either of those.





Streamlined HMI is Key to 41 Substation Rollout of SCADA System at Co-op

One of the largest electric cooperatives nationally, Berryville Arkansas-based Carroll Electric Cooperative Corporation, faced an ongoing challenge of efficiently managing their large and geographically dispersed network of substations. Without an ability to remotely monitor substation performance or receive notifications from remote equipment, their personnel had to travel to substations for various issues, which delayed response times and issue resolution.




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How TSN Is Scaling Up and Accelerating Digital Transformation for Industrial Automation

Most companies take advantage of economies of scale by producing a larger number of goods to gain proportionate saving in costs. However, it is not always the case that the more goods that are produced, the less each unit costs. Nowadays, most companies have reached the optimum point of economies of scale and that the cost for additional units is increasing.





The International Society of Automation Celebrates International Automation Professionals Day

The International Society of Automation celebrated the first-ever International Automation Professionals Day on 28 April. The digital event engaged automation professionals from all around the globe to recognize their efforts in the vastly growing automation industry. ISA President Carlos Mandolesi said that automation professionals make up many diverse sectors, and having a day dedicated to those in the field can offer a learning opportunity for those unfamiliar with automation.





Southwire Recognized as a US Best Managed Company for the Third Year in a Row

Southwire is proud to announce it has been selected as a 2022 US Best Managed Company. Sponsored by Deloitte Private and The Wall Street Journal, the program recognizes outstanding U.S. private companies and the achievements of their management teams. The 2022 designees are U.S. private companies that have demonstrated excellence in strategic planning and execution, a commitment to their people, strong financial performance and the ability to foster a dynamic, resilient culture.





How Can Power Supplies Contribute to CO2 Reduction?

Increasing energy efficiency is a crucial factor in the fight against climate crisis. In this BLOG article you will learn how efficient power supplies can help to reduce COemissions and why this also leads to financial advantages for companies. Successful protection of our environment starts small. In the industrial environment, modern power supplies can increase efficiency and avoid wasting energy.





Designing and Assembling Control Panels

Industrial control panels are needed to support the electrical, instrumentation, and control (EIC) aspects of any modern machine or process. Today’s digitally-controlled systems include an increasing number of smart devices and field sensors, and there is an accelerating need to communicate this edge-sourced data up to supervisory systems and the cloud. Therefore, the demand for control panels to house EIC components at the edge is also growing.





Four Trends in Bottling and Capping Machinery

Despite the economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for packaged products – and a greater variety of such products – is continuing to rise. Specifically, manufacturers in the beverage industry are faced with the pressure of providing the requisite product diversity while ensuring compliance with new FSMA standards. Let’s take a look at four ways in which bottling and capping machine builders are dealing with these challenges.




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Threat Detection for Infrastructure Providers

How do you know that a perfect storm is brewing? If your team is tasked with securing your organization’s operational technology and industrial control systems (OT/ICS), you may have a pretty good idea by now. In critical infrastructure industries, the warning signs have been hard to miss lately. They include the convergence of business IT and OT systems, now accelerated in the cloud; the proliferation of database-driven Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) and phishing campaigns, etc.




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Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity

From understanding the latest security compliance mandates, to finding, hiring, and retaining high performing security talent, most organizations struggle to manage cyber risk. This is a problem for any organization, but managing cyber risk is especially difficult for companies operating in Critical Infrastructure sectors where specific OT cybersecurity and industrial operations expertise are needed for minimized downtime and reduced cybersecurity risk.